
Below we present a by no means full selection of resources on degrowth – key books on the topic, as well as publications on degrowth from/about the Nordic context, including in the media. Check the degrowth Media Library for more.

Books on degrowth and critiques of growth

Büchs, M. and M. Koch (2017) Postgrowth and wellbeing: Challenges to sustainable welfare. London: Palgrave.

D’Alisa, G., F. Demaria and G. Kallis (2015) Degrowth: A vocabulary for a new era. London: Routledge. [info about the book, some chapters and the audio book are available here:]

Jackson, T. (2009) Prosperity without growth: Economics for a finite planet. London and New York: Routledge.

Kallis, G. (2017) In defense of degrowth: Opinions and minifestos. Edited by A. Vansintjan.

Kallis, G. (2017) Degrowth. Newcastle: Agenda.

Latouche, S. (2009) Farewell to growth. Cambridge, MA: Polity.

Rosa, H. and C. Henning (eds.) (2017) The good life beyond growth: New perspectives. London: Routledge.

Schmelzer, M. and I. Borowy (eds.) (2017) History of the future of economic growth: Historical roots of current debates on sustainable degrowth. London: Routledge.

Degrowth literature from/about the Nordic context 

Bjerg, O. (2017) Parallax of growth: The philosophy of ecology and economy. Cambridge: Polity.

Chertkovskaya, E., A. Paulsson, G. Kallis, S. Barca and G. D’Alisa (2017) ‘The vocabulary of degrowth: A roundtable debate’, ephemera, 17(1): 189-208.

Chertkovskaya, E. and A. Paulsson (2016) ‘The growthocene: Thinking through what degrowth is criticising’, ENTITLE (European political ecology network) blog,  19 February. A slightly modified version of this article has been published in Uneven Earth, titled ‘The growthocene: Let’s be clear about the kinds of growth that neeed challenging’, 3 March. This article has also been translated into Italian: ‘L’era della crescita (‘growthcene’). Pensare con l’approccio critico della decrescita’, Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 4 April.

Hirvilammi, T. and T. Helne (2014) ‘Changing paradigms: A sketch for sustainable wellbeing and ecosocial policy’, Sustainability, 6(4): 2160-2175.

Holten-Andersen, A.J., M.H. Richter, A.G.C. Jensen, S. Meldgaard, R. Wolf, J. Eskildsen og K. Holten-Andersen (2016). Livet efter væksten – samfundsvisioner i en omstillingstid. Copenhagen: NOAH.

Holten-Andersen, A.J., T.H. Christensen, K.C. Holten-Andersen, S.F. Hansen (eds.) (2017) Modvækst - omstilling til fremtidenCopenhagen: NOAH.

Hirvilammi, T., M. Joutsenvirta, M. Ulvila ja K. Wilén (2016) Talous kasvun jälkeen. Gaudeamus.

Malmaeus, M. (2013) Tillväxt till varje pris. Notis Förlag.

Sanne, C. (2010) Keynes barnbarn – en bättre framtid med arbete och välfärd. Inbunden.

Ulvila, M. and J. Pasanen (eds.) (2009) Sustainable futures – Replacing growth imperative and hierarchies with sustainable ways. Helsinki: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Degrowth in the Nordic media

Andersson, J.O (2010/2012) ‘"Degrowth" – hallittu talouslasku’, Talous & Yhteiskunta, 4/2010; ‘Nedväxt – behärskad ekonomisk nedtrappning’Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, 3/2012.

Chertkovskaya, E. and A. Paulsson (2016) ‘Nerväxt är ett alternativ’, Sydsvenskan and Helsinborgs Dagblad, 29 September.

Sverigesradio, P1 (2016) ‘Att ha eller att vara?’ [with Ekaterina Chertkovkskaya talking about degrowth], Filosofiska Rummet, 11 September.


Research and Degrowth