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Conversation and political hearing about climate, degrowth and not-for-profit economy

In a non-profit economy, companies and institutions would put the benefit of society first, instead of profit interest. Could this be a possible way to meet the enormous challenges of the climate crisis?

Jennifer Hinton is a researcher in sustainability and ecological economics. She comes to NGBG and talks about the Not-for-profit economy model. The Institute for Degrowth Studies with Chaïm de Mulder will also be there to talk about their work with the campaign A Peoples Green New Deal for Malmö.

A short film will be shown and we will hold a conversation with Jennifer and Chaïm. The conversation is moderated by Cia Paulsson, documentary filmmaker and employed in the Scenario 2030 project.

Finally, the event will round up with a hearing of Malmö politicians.

In the panel:
• Tobias Petersson (V)
• Stefana Hoti (MP)
• Arwin Sohrabi (S)
• Simon Chrisander (L)

The short film and conversation will be held in English and the political hearing will be held in Swedish.

This event is organised in the context of the NGBG festival by Small talks, RåFILM, ABF Malmö and Scenario 2030. Place to be is Norra Grängesbergsgatan 15 (Hypnos).